You may have noticed, I dropped the Thursday from our session this week. In addition to the intervention we’re about to have, I had one with myself last week. Each week, I grapple with my back to back, self imposed, deadlines and I’m admitting it’s too much. Between my in person clients, hosting events on ShopShops, and keeping the boys on task with school… it’s a lot. This feels like the time to give myself some grace, and write blog posts when I can.
If I haven’t told you in a while, thank you for being here and following along on this journey with me. I appreciate your support more than you know and hope you find style ideas, tips, and inspiration here. If you have any topic ideas or things you’d like to see here, please let me know! This is our community and I’d love to hear from you!
Today we’re having an intervention. A shopping intervention. I know we’ve all gotten real comfortable in our online shopping habits and maybe have been using shopping to self soothe. My personal vice of choice since the early 00’s. Before you hit purchase on another tie dye sweat set on amazon, hear me out.
The objective of any wardrobe is to have a closet filled with effortless pieces that play well together to create tons of confidence boosting outfits. I’ve done this challenge twice in the past year. Once for 30 days and the second time was 15. For this one, let’s do 14 days. Baby steps. Intrigued? Terrified? Here are the details:
Who: Do you have a closet stuffed with clothes but “nothing” to wear? Put something on, then change, then change again, and again? No money for shopping? Do you love a challenge and winning prizes? Whoever you are, this challenge is for you!
What: Here are the guidelines. Very simple. You will select 14 items from your closet and only wear those items for 14 days.
– Include shoes if you can
– Don’t include workout clothes, Pj’s or loungewear unless they are part of what you normally wear all day. (No judgement)
– No need to have a different outfit everyday – repeat as much as you like & be creative if that speaks to you.
– Swapping or switching items out with the first few days is fine if you find they aren’t working.
– Use fewer items for more of a challenge
When: Nov 9 – Nov 22. Start thinking ahead to any events & travel you have coming up so you can plan ahead.
Where: In your closet! And on Instagram. Post in your stories, tag me, and use the hashtag #shopyourclosetchallenge. If you’re shy or not on Instagram, no worries – just text, email or private message me to be in the contest.
Why: It’s no mystery I love to shop. I mean, I built a business around it (lol.) But I want to teach you how to shop smart and have a closet full of items that work HARD for you. Wake up each morning, effortlessly get dressed and feel confident in what you put on. This challenge will show you the versatility of items you already own and give you fresh ideas without spending any money! Experiment with layering and rewearing items in new ways. (backward button-down anyone?) At the end of the challenge, I hope you’ll have created some fun outfits, dealt with some clothes in your closet that are just taking up space, and have a smart, running list, of wardrobe building items on your wish list instead of just buying one off items.
The prize will go to the participant with the most participation. So you want to send or post your outfits each day to qualify. One lucky winner will get a full, 4 hour, Closet overhaul session with me! Don’t have to be local to win! I work with tons of women virtually. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or if you need a little help getting started. My list of items coming next week and I’m going to make this one a challenge. Can’t wait to get started!
Xoxo, Jess